Abikeskus: Juhendid
Employees' mailboxes in Office 365 cloud
Postitatud Tarmo Palm, Tarmo Palm on 26 May 2021 12:31 PM

Starting from the 5th of April, 2021, employees' mailboxes are gradually transferred Office 365 cloud (https://office.com), Additionally, Office 365 allows employees to use also other Microsoft cloud applications like MS teams and OneDrive.

The process is time consuming, so please be patient. The use of the mailbox during the transfer is not disturbed. All emails, contacts, calendar and rules will be transferred. However, MS Outlook and smart devices will need to be reconfigured later to connect to the O365 service.

MS Outlook users

If your current username is emu\username, you need to change it to  username@emu.ee

Android phone users

The EMU email account must be deleted and a new Office 365 account created.

Create a new account: Settings / Accounts & Backup / Account Management / Add Account / Email / Office365

The username must also be written in the form username@emu.ee .


The O365 mailbox address on the web: https://outlook.office.com

A link to E-post O365 has been added to the main page EMÜ www.emu.ee.

For Android and Apple devices, there are official Microsoft guides, which you can reach here:

Apple iOS: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/set-up-email-using-the-ios-mail-app-7e5b180f-bc8f-45cc-8da1-5cefc1e633d1
Android: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/set-up-email-in-android-email-app-71147974-7aca-491b-978a-ab15e360434c


 While logging in to the Office365, instead of regular"usename" you'll have to write username like this: "username@emu.ee"(NB! This IS NOT your mail address!!)

For additional support, feel free to write us helpdesk@emu.ee or call your local IT support person.

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