Employees' mailboxes in Office 365 cloud
Postitatud Tarmo Palm, Tarmo Palm on 26 May 2021 12:31 PM
MS Outlook users If your current username is emu\username, you need to change it to username@emu.ee The EMU email account must be deleted and a new Office 365 account created. Create a new account: Settings / Accounts & Backup / Account Management / Add Account / Email / Office365 The username must also be written in the form username@emu.ee .
The O365 mailbox address on the web: https://outlook.office.com A link to E-post O365 has been added to the main page EMÜ www.emu.ee.
For Android and Apple devices, there are official Microsoft guides, which you can reach here: Apple iOS: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/set-up-email-using-the-ios-mail-app-7e5b180f-bc8f-45cc-8da1-5cefc1e633d1 IMPORTANT! While logging in to the Office365, instead of regular"usename" you'll have to write username like this: "username@emu.ee"(NB! This IS NOT your mail address!!) | |